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Examiner report & recommendation

An independent Examiner has recommended that Wareham Neighbourhood Plan, with a few modifications, proceed to referendum. The Plan has been some 5 years in the making and if successful at the referendum will shape future development of the Town up to 2034.

The Examiner recognised the effort that has gone into involving local residents and businesses who have helped to shape the Plan. He also notes that Dorset Council has confirmed that there are no exceptional circumstances that would justify a change to the Green Belt boundary at Wareham and concurs with this. The Plan concentrates future development on brownfield land thereby protecting the Green Belt and AONB from development.

The importance of retaining the ground level crossing at Wareham Railway station is also recognised, in view of the widespread community support, and the examiner endorses the inclusion of a policy in the Plan for its retention.

The Town Council is grateful for the support of Purbeck District Council and Dorset Council in preparing the Plan and to residents and businesses for their input.

The next step will be for the Plan to go to referendum and all Wareham residents are urged to take part. The referendum will ask residents if they wish Dorset Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.

The Examiner’s report can be found on the links below

If you have any queries please contact Wareham Town Council:

Tel: 01929 553006 Email:

Wareham Town Council, Wareham Town Hall, East Street BH20 4NS



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Wareham Neighbourhood Plan

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