Wareham Neighbourhood Plan - Opportunity to comment (22nd October – 3 December 2018)
Wareham Town Council would like to thank all those who commented on the Wareham Neighbourhood Plan during June/July 2018. Amendments have been made to the Plan in response to comments and a revised Neighbourhood Plan was considered by the Town Council on Tuesday 9th October. This has now been submitted to Purbeck District Council and the District is now publishing the final draft for comment.
The Plan has been developed in consultation with local residents and businesses over a period of some 3 years. It can be viewed, along with supporting documentation below and at Wareham Library, Purbeck District Council and Wareham Town Council.
A form to complete with your comments can be found here.
Supporting documents;
Housing Needs Assessment (AECOM) - VIEW
Site Assessment (AECOM) - VIEW
Updated Master Plan (AECOM) - VIEW
Viability Assessment (AECOM) - VIEW
Employment Needs Assessment (Dorset Planning) - VIEW
Strategic Environmental Assessment (AECOM) - VIEW
Basic Conditions Statement (Dorset Planning) - VIEW
Consultation Statement (including responses to the Reg 14 consultation) (Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group) - VIEW
Wareham Town Centre Retail Report January 2018 (Cushman and Wakefield) - VIEW
Local Green Space Assessment (Dorset Planning) - VIEW
Walking and Cycling Routes Assessment (Dorset Planning) - VIEW
Statement regarding Habitats Regulation Assessment - VIEW