Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Examination and proposed changes
Please press relevant underlined links for attached files.
Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Examiner Questions 22.07.19
Wareham Examiner Additional Questions 30.07.19
Response to NP Examiner 01.08.19
Proposed changes to Wareham Neighbourhood Plan 01.08.19
* Proposed ADDITIONAL changes to Wareham Neighbourhood Plan 15.08.19 *
Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Inset map 1 31.07.19
Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Inset Map 2 31.07.19
Wareham Plan Overall Policies Map 31.07.19
Wareham Railway Station Advice 13.12.17
Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Advice 04.10.18
Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Statement of Common Ground 02.08.19
Bog Lane SANG Construction management plan