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Your views are needed on a revised draft neighbourhood plan for Wareham!

The Wareham Neighbourhood Plan is our community’s opportunity to help shape future development of Wareham. The Plan covers the whole of Wareham including Northmoor, Northport and Carey.

The leaflet (here) explains what has happened so far and what will happen next.

The draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents can be found below.

Consultation on the revised draft plan is from 28th February to 14th April.

For more information please come to a drop-in on

Saturday 29th February at 10am – 1pm in Wareham Town Hall

or on

Saturday 7th March at 10am – 1pm at Carey Hall, Mistover Road, Carey.

Dorset Council will be at both events to explain their development proposals for the former Middle School and Bonnets Lane sites.

Copies of the Plan are also available in the Library, Wareham Town Council Offices and at Westport House.

Please let us know your views by completing the survey on;

Or completing this postcard


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