How did it all start?
In areas with a parish or town council, the parish or town council will take the lead on neighbourhood planning. They have long experience of working with and representing local communities.
Wareham Town Council considered the idea of developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Wareham at their Annual Meeting in April 2015. The Town Council then applied to Purbeck District Council to proceed with the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Wareham. Purbeck District Council consulted the public in August 2015 and having received no objections gave the go ahead on 10th October 2015.
Wareham Town Council formed a steering group comprised of councillors, local residents and businesses.

Wareham Neighbourhood Plan adopted.
(8th November 2021)
The Wareham Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on Thursday 30 September 2021.
There was a turnout of 1268 (26.8%).
The result was in favour of the plan with:
YES – 1145 votes – 90.5%
NO – 120 votes – 9.5%
The Wareham Neighbourhood Plan was made (adopted) by Dorset Council on 8 November 2021. It now forms part of the statutory development plan for Dorset.
Wareham Neighbourhood Plan will shape future development of the whole of Wareham up to 2034.
The main features of the Plan:
Shaped by local people through consultations throughout the Plan’s development
Meets housing needs set by Dorset Council including affordable housing
Protects the Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty from development
Concentrates future development on brownfield (already developed) land
Supports retention of a ground level railway crossing at Wareham Railway Station
The plan can be found on the links below;
for more information please contact Wareham Neighbourhood plan steering group:
Tel: 01929 553006 Email: office@wareham-tc.gov.uk
c/o Wareham Town Council, Wareham Town Hall, East Street BH20 4NS

Revised neighbourhood plan for Wareham.
(October 2020)
The Wareham Neighbourhood Plan is our community’s opportunity to help shape future development of Wareham.
The Plan covers the whole of Wareham including Northmoor, Northport and Carey.
The submission draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents can be found below.
Thank you to all those who responded to the Regulation 14 consultation on the Wareham Neighbourhood Plan which ended on 19th June.
The draft Plan is being amended in response to comments made and will be considered by Wareham Town Council prior to submission to Dorset Council.
Dorset Council will next carry out the Regulation 16 Consultation and arrange for an independent examiner to consider the Plan.
Wareham Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Conditions Statement – Oct 2020
SD14: Updated Schedule of Main Modifications to the Purbeck Local Plan - 8 November 2019
SD131: Council Response to Post Hearing Inspectors Questions - Jan 2020
AECOM (2020), Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Report - Oct 2020
Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment - Oct 2020
AECOM (2018), Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Housing Needs Assessment
AECOM (2018), Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Site Selection Report
AECOM (2018), Wareham Neighbourhood Plan Viability Assessment
Cushman and Wakefield (2018) Wareham Town Centre Retail Report, Bristol
Dorset Planning (2018) Local Green Space Assessment Wareham Neighbourhood Plan
Dorset Planning (July 2018) Employment Needs Assessment Wareham
Dorset Planning (12.10.18) Walking and Cycling Routes Background Paper
Independent Examination of the Purbeck Local Plan - Post Hearings Note - 2020